ROCHESTER, Minn. – The public is invited March 31 to learn more about the upcoming Hwy 52 interchange construction south of Cannon Falls at Goodhue County Road 9.

The $6.72 million construction project for the interchange will be discussed from 6-7 p.m. at the Urland Lutheran Church, 6940 County 9 Blvd. The church is 2.5 miles west of Highway 52 and about 10 miles south of Cannon Falls.

Representatives from the contractor, Mathiowetz Construction, as well as the Minnesota Department of Transportation will be available to answer questions and provide information about the project, which is scheduled to begin construction in April.

There will be a single lane of traffic on Highway 52, and Goodhue County Road 9 will be detoured for the duration of the project. The project is expected to be finished in November.

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