
of Rochester is pleased to announce that Rosalind Moore was selected as Youth of the Year in a Clubwide competition last month. Rosalind will now represent Rochester in a statewide competition in St. Paul on April 10. From this prestigious group of teens from across Minnesota, one will be selected to represent our state in a national competition.

Youth of the Year recognizes exceptional Boys & Girls Club members and gives them a voice and path to showcase character, leadership, personal development and critical skills needed to become productive adults.

Rosalind is a leader at Club and in her community. Rosalind was hired at Club as part of the Summer Parks Crew in 2013. This team of teens underwent a rigorous interview process then headed out every morning four days a week to care for Rochester city parks and Quarry Hill. Her positive attitude was fantastic and she took pride in her work and community.

Rosalind’s leadership has helped our Club programs thrive. The Girl Talk/SMART Girls program at Boys & Girls Club enjoyed success in large part due to Rosalind’s participation and her assistance with the Miss BGCR pageant. She also helped plan and lead our Little Divas mentor program.

Because of her achievement, Rosalind has been awarded $6,500 in college scholarships from Home Federal Savings Bank, Rochester Post-Bulletin, and Judy & Jim Sloan.

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