6 Ways To Support Local Businesses in Rochester Without Spending Money

"Shop Small" and "Support Local" are sayings that we've had for many years. But now, more than ever, we need to step up as a community and show our support for the restaurants and shops we have loved throughout the years.
2020 has been a beast of a year and unfortunately, we've already seen many stores and restaurants close up shop for good. I also know many people who are out of work or pay cuts happened just so they could continue to do the job that they are dedicated to. Our bank accounts may not be as full with excess cash as we'd like right now and although we would love to spend our cash locally, we just don't have much to spare.
Keeping the lights on and a roof over your head is essential and those should be your priority and although signs up are and people are using #shoplocal on their social media posts, many local businesses understand. They are going through that as well and are pinching pennies where they can just so they can make it through this pandemic and be here when we get to the other side.
No matter how much extra cash you have to spend, there are a few easy things that you can do to show your support...and none of these require you to spend any money. It will show your support though.
6 Simple Ways to Support Local Minnesota Businesses Without Spending Money
Gallery Credit: Jessica On The Radio
Are you up for a challenge? Pick 5 local businesses that you are showing support to and do at least 3 of the items listed for them. If you are picking the really easy ones that require zero typing, that's about 15 extra clicks on your phone while you are scrolling through social media. Pretty sure we can handle 15 extra clicks to show our support for local businesses.
Ready to double the exposure? Tag me in a post that you comment on in the Instagram world (@JessicaOnTheRadio) or on Facebook (@JessicaWilliamsOnTheRadio) and I'll pick one of the 6 ways to show my support for that place as well. And if you work at that place or own that local business, yes...you can be part of this as well. The more the merrier and I'd be happy to hang out with you on social media...and once COVID-19 is over, invite me to your next event, have me emcee...I'm here and ready to help! Just message me at jessica.williams@townsquaremedia.com
Listen to Jessica Williams weekdays from 6 am until 10 am on Y105FM's Early Morning Show with James Rabe and Jessica Williams
KEEP READING: Rochester Businesses That Have Closed in 2020
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