(OPINION) Biden Administration Policies Are in Shambles at Home and Abroad

The opinions expressed in this post belong solely to the author and should not be construed to represent the views of Townsquare Media, News-Talk 1340 KROC-AM and 96.9 FM, or anyone else associated with the organizations.
In this extraordinary time, the political ebb and flow surges through the economy, culture, Covid-19, crime and violence, foreign affairs, and leadership issues from the White House to Congress.
In the wake of the Woke military’s inept response to the Afghanistan disaster at the hands of the Taliban and Al Qaeda, Americans marooned in that nation are at risk in the pull-out. American leadership at home and abroad is increasingly called into question. The so-called “experts” on every front have credibility problems.
The chaos at the Southern Border is enabling criminals and drug cartels to thrive. Some sensible informed experts fear the open border may be a gateway for reestablished Middle East terrorists to enter the United States and activate another 9/11 attack.
Recent polls indicate the Democrats are in trouble and may, if Republican state officials can reform the problematic election process, lose control of Congress in 2022 and the White House in 2024. If that is accomplished, Congress must take legislative action against the social media entities that have achieved totalitarian control over public information with its outrageous censorship countervailing ideas, and the politicization of the Deep State and Department of Justice.
President Biden’s press conferences and public speeches are increasingly disturbing from verbal and factual blunders. Vice President Kamala Harris is perceived to be inept and seems to desire absence from the podium and trips overseas to avoid accountability and blame. Kamala’s inopportune Hillary-like cackle in response to press questions is off-putting.
American Thinker reporter Barry Shaw outlined issues facing America at home and abroad, and suggested House Speaker Pelosi, always alert to polls and power, faces “declining power, and will do everything to stop this from happening. It doesn’t matter who she brings down to keep that power, even if that person is the President of the United States.” But if Biden’s replacement would be Kamala Harris, leadership issues and competence would be problematic.
Parental revolts on domestic issues are surprising, increasing, and effective.
In public confrontations against officials. School boards are being asked to cease and desist their Covid masking policies, and schemes to insert what some say are racist and divisive Marxist Critical Race Theory and Leftist social studies curricular agendas into classrooms.
U.S. military officials shockingly said they could not guarantee rescues of and access by American citizens to the Kabul airport in Afghanistan. German, French, and British leaders were openly critical of President Biden’s decision to evacuate U.S. troops so fast. Former British prime minister Tony Blair called Biden’s Afghan pull-out process “imbecilic.”
It was reported that the Taliban was oppressing and killing women, beating Americans and others trying to get to the Kabul airport and destroying the identification documents of people trying to flee the oppressors.
European diplomats expressed fear that NATO missions, credibility, and unity would be jeopardized. Former U.S. Deputy Assistant to the Secretary of Defense Amber Smith said the stated U.S. inability to extract Americans is inexcusable, and the Biden Administration had unwisely “cut a Trump-era crisis response program to assist with the evacuation of Americans as needed,” as the French and British were doing. Townhall media headlined, “The Pentagon is Paralyzed by fear while the Taliban calls the shots.”
“The Biden administration,” Smith contends, ‘is making excuses, and has demonstrated extreme leadership ineptness.” America and other nations may pay a future price unless military and political leaders react immediately with adequate responses, planning, and force.
One of the most devastating critiques came from former Democrat congressman and CIA director Leon Panetta, quoted by Townhall and Blaze Media, as Biden’s approval rating drops to 41%: “With the Taliban controlling Afghanistan…they will provide a safe haven for Al Qaeda and ISIS and other terrorists (and) this is a national security threat.”
it is not too soon to ponder, should the Republicans regain Congress in 2022, should President Biden be impeached for incompetence and dereliction of duty.
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