Daylight Saving Time

When Does Daylight Saving Time End in Minnesota?
When Does Daylight Saving Time End in Minnesota?
When Does Daylight Saving Time End in Minnesota?
Contrary to popular belief Daylight Saving Time has nothing to do with farmers. It was introduced in the United States during World War 1 as a means to save coal used for heating homes. Today most states in the US still follow Daylight Saving Time, although there are efforts in some, like Minnesota, to get rid of the time shift.
What Time is It?
What Time is It?
What Time is It?
In case you missed it, we went back into time early Sunday. Daylight Saving Time 2017 officially ended in Minnesota and most other states at 2:00 AM Sunday.
Rich + KD Show You How
Rich + KD Show You How
Rich + KD Show You How
Daylight Saving Time is upon us. Really, really early on Sunday morning, we're supposed to get up and move our clocks ahead one hour. Okay, I'm sure if you wanted to take care of it earlier, before going to bed, nobody would mind. KROC-AM's news guys Rich Peterson and Kim David want to make sure you know how to change your clocks...