MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — A lawsuit filed on behalf of a widow with dementia accuses her three children, particularly one son, of defrauding her estate of $24 million.
Minneapolis, MN (Learfield Wire Services) - Minnesota Vikings quarterback Joe Kapp has announced that he is battling Alzheimer’s disease.
MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — A male nursing assistant at a Minneapolis nursing home has pleaded guilty to raping an 83-year-old woman suffering from severe dementia and Alzheimer's disease.
Rochester, MN (KROC-AM News) A Rochester man has been charged in Olmsted County Court with stealing more than $80,000 from a person who moved into a senior assisted living and dementia care facility in 2011.
Rochester, MN (KROC-AM News) - A Rochester man has been sentenced to 15 years probation for spending thousands of dollars from his elderly mother’s bank account on a lake home, a vehicle, and a variety of other purchases.
GARNER, Iowa (AP) — A former Iowa lawmaker has been aquitted of sexually abusing his wife who suffered from dementia, in a case that centered on questions about when a person is no longer mentally capable of consenting to sex.