Another Derailment in Wisconsin
WATERTOWN, Wis. (AP) — Canadian Pacific Railway says less than 1,000 gallons of crude oil has spilled after a train derailment that prompted evacuations in southeastern Wisconsin.
Thirteen cars derailed around 2 p.m. Sunday in Watertown. Canadian Pacific said in a statement late Sunday night one car was punctured and it leaked some oil. The company says it's working to determine the exact amount, but it's no more than 1,000 gallons.
CP says the leaking car has been sealed, the spilled oil was contained and siphoned off and no oil reached a waterway.
The Jefferson County Emergency Management director said earlier that 35 homes near the site were evacuated. The railway says it reserved hotel rooms for the affected families.
The derailment Sunday was the second in the state in as many days. On Saturday, a freight train derailed near Alma in western Wisconsin, spilling thousands of gallons of ethanol.
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