Down By The Riverside Needs Opening Acts…and You’ll Get Paid!

Rochester Civic Music is looking for local bands and musicians to open for the main acts during the Down by the Riverside free summer concert series and forWARD Neighborhood Park Concerts....and they'll pay you in more than exposure!
According to Civic Music, they're interested all genres, and "original material is encouraged." There are, of course, requirements...
- Must have enough material to fill at least a 45 minute set
- Must provide own backline (on-stage instruments and amplification)
- Must be based in Southeast Minnesota, or at least have one member with a direct tie to the 11 county region (Dodge, Fillmore, Freeborn, Goodhue, Houston, Mower, Olmsted, Rice, Steele, Wabasha, and Winona). Examples of accepted ties to the region include; “attended a local high school”, and, “grew up on a farm in Dodge County”, etc.
Some Down By The Riverside Concert Memories
You want in? Get Rochester Civic Music a hard copy or electronic press kit postmarked no later than March 5, 2021. Each kit should have,
- The name of the city or town the band is based in
- A contact person’s name, phone number, and e-mail address
- How the band is connected to the 11 county region
- Band photos and bios
- Song list
- At least three video recordings, or links to video recordings of live performance footage.
- All submissions will be considered for either Down by the Riverside or forWARD.
- Submissions should be postmarked no later than March 5, 2021.
Email electronic kits to info@riversideconcerts.com
Mail hard copies to:
Local Band Submissions
c/o Rochester Civic Music
201 4th St. SE, Suite 170
Rochester MN 55904
Remember...when you submit the kit, you're saying it's ok for Rochester Civic Music to share your stuff with headliners that want opening-act approval. Questions? (507) 328-2201
As always, if you have a comment, complaint, or concern about something I wrote here, please let me know: james.rabe@townsquaremedia.com
Listen to James Rabe and Jessica Williams Weekday from 6 - 10 AM on Y-105 FM
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