Hagedorn Wins by 1300 Votes
Undated (KROC AM News) - It’s official. Republican Jim Hagedorn has won the race for the First Congressional District seat in southern Minnesota.
The final tally by the Minnesota Secretary of State’s office shows Hagedorn edging Democrat Dan Feehan by about 1300 votes (146,202 - 144,891).
Hagedorn will take the seat that has been held since 2007 by Democrat Tim Walz, who was elected governor Tuesday. Walz beat Republican Gil Gutknecht in the 2006 election and narrowly defeated Hagedorn two years ago, winning by about 2500 votes. He announced in March 2017 he would not seek another term and instead run for governor.
With his Tuesday victory, Walz became the second First District Congressman to successfully run for Minnesota Governor. Republican Al Quie won the 1978 gubernatorial race after serving in Congress for 21 years.
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