NEWBURY, N.H. (AP) -- Presidential contenders on Tuesday turned their airplanes and their hopes to the next arena in the fight for the nominations, a state that will test Ted Cruz's broader appeal and give Hillary Clinton a chance to reinvigorate her battered campaign in the Granite State.

Clinton eked out a win over rival Bernie Sanders in Monday's Iowa caucuses. But the razor-thin margin suggested the Democratic contest is headed toward a protracted wrestling match between its progressive and pragmatic wings.

On the Republican side, Cruz's win provided a twist worthy of the topsy-turvy race. Winning 27.7 percent support, the Texas senator proved to be beloved by evangelicals, even if maligned by many others in his party, and adept at mounting a powerful grass-roots operation. Donald Trump's second-place finish at 24.3 percent was a humbling blow to the boastful mogul who had dominated the polls for weeks. Coming in at a close third with 23.1 percent, Marco Rubio was catapulted to the top of heap of establishment candidates vying to be the party's preferred alternative to Trump or Cruz.

With all precincts reporting, Clinton bested Sanders by less than three-tenths of 1 percent. Although the Iowa Democratic Party declared the contest "the closest in Iowa Democratic caucus history," officials said Tuesday afternoon that they would not conduct a recount and Sanders' campaign said it would not challenge the results.

"There's no plan to look backwards," said Sanders strategist Tad Devine.

Clinton's victory means she will collect 23 delegates and Sanders will win 21.

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