Malaysia's prime minister says a new analysis of satellite data shows that the missing


Malaysia Airlines plane plunged into the southern Indian Ocean. It's a major breakthrough in the unprecedented two-week struggle to find out what happened to Flight 370, which disappeared shortly after takeoff from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing with 239 passengers and crew aboard. The prime minister says it appears that the plane flew "to a remote location, far from any possible landing sites."

Meanwhile, Chinese and Australian planes have spotted several objects in an area of the ocean identified by multiple satellite images as containing possible debris from the plane.

Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott says the crew on board an Australian P3 Orion located two objects — the first grey or green and circular, the second orange and rectangular.

An Australian navy supply ship is on the scene trying to locate and recover the objects, and Malaysia's defense minister says it could reach them within a few hours.

Also, the Xinhua News Agency reports the Chinese crew saw two large objects and several smaller ones spread across several square miles. China's foreign ministry says a white, square-shaped object was captured on a camera aboard the plane.

U.S. Pacific command is sending a black box locator to the area. It can hear the black box "pinger" down to a depth of about 20,000 feet.

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