Minnesotan In Ukraine – If You’ve Ever Said You Stand w/Ukraine, Here’s How to Donate
Last week, we saw a video of Minnesota's Mark J. Lindquist (motivational speaker, former political candidate, and US Air Force Veteran) talking about the humanitarian work he and many other US and world citizens are doing to help Ukraine during the war.
Now he says they need your help, and here's how to do it.
What's It Like In Ukraine Right Now?
This week, we spoke to him live as he was trying to find a car to do deliveries of humanitarian aid in Lviv, an area of Ukraine that's been the focus of recent Russian missile attacks.
He gives us the mood of the people (super united) and what happens to fear on his missions inside Ukraine, and he tells us how we can help the Ukrainians with our money or with medical items.
More on that in a bit, but first, Click PLAY to hear the conversation from this morning's show. (Click here for the unedited automatic transcript)
The Question About Fear
James - So now that you're there and you're doing the support stuff is it, is it well, quite honestly, is it scary to go in now that you know that the Russians are focusing on, on Lavi?
Mark - Let me put it to you this way. Fear or doubt or anxiety about missile attacks or bombing. We really don't think about that often. Why? Because it's something you can't control, right?
If you get hit by a missile, you won't know, what do you hear about the folks that are at lunch stool? They got blown up in Afghanistan. They didn't remember anything. The first thing they remembered was when they woke up in the hospital bed. Right?
So you're not gonna know James. I'm not trying to be flippant or trying to, to minimize danger because it is a war zone, but why spend any of your time worrying about that? Because you're not even gonna know what happened, right.
So you might as well focus your energy and your, your thoughts on what you can do to help and, and Ukrainians in front of you. And now that doesn't mean that we're crazy cowboys and taking extra risks. No, but it just, doesn't, it's not fruitful to think about that.
Do what you can do, with what you have, where you are. I don't know who said it first, but Mark and so many other US veterans are joining all kinds of civilians from the US and many other countries, trying to do what they can for the people of Ukraine.
How Can You Help the Humanitarian Effort?
Ukraine: Humanitarian Aid to Refugees (GoFundMe link)
Cash is always good. That way they can buy local and that means helping the Ukrainian economy. Just click HERE.
Medical Items
Mark outlines the needs here very well.
There are also items that can be mailed that are not medical.
Mark Lindquist
ul.Mickiewicza 23
37-700 Przemysl, Poland
As always, if you have a comment, complaint, or concern about something I wrote here, please let me know: james.rabe@townsquaremedia.com
Last week's video -
And the baskets he talked about in the video come to life.
Humanitarian Help from Minnesota Beyond - Easter Basket Delivery to Ukrainians
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