
Why Liberal Elites Don’t Understand Trump Victory
Why Liberal Elites Don’t Understand Trump Victory
Why Liberal Elites Don’t Understand Trump Victory
Part 4: Liberal Elite Intolerance vs. the American Electorate  The contempt that so called apostles of “tolerance” and “diversity” Progressives have displayed against Trump voters, and exhibited by Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, explain why Trump is president, and elitist liberals still don’t get it...
GOP Suffered Obamacare Failure but Got Intelligence Coup 
GOP Suffered Obamacare Failure but Got Intelligence Coup 
GOP Suffered Obamacare Failure but Got Intelligence Coup 
Former CIA officer Col. Tony Shaffer said Donald Trump’s claim to have been surveilled by the Obama Administration is not only true, but may produce a Democrat scandal worse than the surveillance committed by the Nixon Administration in “Watergate...
Trump Asked to Explain Wiretap Tweets
Trump Asked to Explain Wiretap Tweets
Trump Asked to Explain Wiretap Tweets
Obama spokesman denies Trump's wiretap allegation PALM BEACH, Fla. (AP) — Republican Sen. Ben Sasse of Nebraska is calling on President Donald Trump to explain himself following the Saturday morning Twitter allegations that his phones were tapped on orders of former President Barack Obama during last year's campaign.

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