Rochester, MN (KROC-AM News) - A longtime Olmsted County official is about to retire after a 43-year career in public service.

Mike Sheehan was hired by Olmsted County in 1976 as an assistant county engineer. He later advanced to become County Engineer, Public Works Director, and is currently the Deputy Administrator of Physical Development.

During his long career, Sheehan worked closely with city officials to help oversee the Rochester Flood Control Project and the seven rural reservoirs that help protect the community. He also played key roles in the design and construction of both East and West Circle Drives.

“I can remember as a county engineer walking through the agricultural land where those roads are today. The transformation of seeing those projects through from ag land to highly traveled roads now is incredible. I can remember a big public meeting concerning West Circle Drive and people who were strongly opposed its development at the time now come to me saying it was the right decision. It was an amazing project,” recalled Sheehan.

A news release says Sheehan is looking forward to traveling with his wife, Mari, attending events and activities with their grandchildren, and cheering on the Gopher football team.

His retirement becomes official on July 6th, but the Olmsted County Board is formally recognizing his accomplishments during Tuesday afternoon's meeting of the Board of Commissioners.

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