“Back To School” Monday For Rochester Public Schools

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Rochester, MN (KROC AM News) - There will be a lot of smiles in Rochester Monday on the faces of school kids, parents and teachers.
Rochester Public Schools will resume in-class learning Monday after a two-week distance model.
Interim Superintendent Kent Pekel has been emphatic the last few days about the resumption of classes.
RPS decided to shut down schools earlier this month due to elevated covid activity in the community.
RPS says the decision was based primarily on the impact the virus was having on staff, not students.
At the time, Pekel said, “Two weeks allows all sick students and staff and those who have been exposed and are incubating the virus to progress to being non-infectious by the time school resumes.”
See 20 Ways America Has Changed Since 9/11
For those of us who lived through 9/11, the day’s events will forever be emblazoned on our consciousnesses, a terrible tragedy we can’t, and won’t, forget. Now, two decades on, Stacker reflects back on the events of 9/11 and many of the ways the world has changed since then. Using information from news reports, government sources, and research centers, this is a list of 20 aspects of American life that were forever altered by the events of that day. From language to air travel to our handling of immigration and foreign policy, read on to see just how much life in the United States was affected by 9/11.
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