City Now Seeking Bids For Operating Mayo Civic Center
Rochester, MN (KROC-AM News) - The process of creating a new management structure for the Mayo Civic Center reached a key milestone on Friday when the City of Rochester issued a Request for Proposals for the management of operations of the downtown facility.
The city administration says the request was issued on behalf of a yet to be named Corporation which will oversee the operations of the Mayo Civic Center and Destination Marketing Operations, which previously were the responsibility of the Convention and Visitors Bureau later known as Experience Rochester. It is expected that the transition to the new management structure will be completed by the end of this year.
“We are pleased to be releasing the RFPs as we move forward with the new governance and operations model. The City will maintain ownership of the MCC, and the selected management company will report to and be overseen by the Board of Directors and Executive Director of the new organization. We look forward to engaging with those who have interest in this great opportunity and are committed to finding the right fit for the Rochester community,” shared Steve Rymer, City Administrator.
The deadline for the submission of all proposals is July 26th. Interested parties must attend a mandatory pre-proposal conference on May 22nd that will include a review of the Request for Proposals, a question-and-answer session, and a tour of the Mayo Civic Center.