Congressman Walz Loses Title to Bear Meat Casserole
Washington, D.C. (KROC-AM News) - A casserole made with bear meat was selected as the winner of the 2017 Minnesota Congressional Delegation's hot dish contest on Wednesday.
The concoction, which was called “The Right to Bear Arms,” was created by 7th District Congressman Collin Peterson. The veteran Democrat, who has represented an area of northwestern Minnesota for many years, confessed the bear used in the dish was shot in Wisconsin
This was the seventh year for the contest, which has been the won three times by First District Congressman Tim Walz. He took first place last year with his “Turkey Taco Hotdish.”
Senator Franken launched the friendly competition in 2011 as a way to foster communication and cooperation among the 10 elected officials sent to Washington to represent Minnesota and to celebrate the Minnesota culinary tradition.