Deer Harvested in Wabasha County Tested Positive For CWD
Wabasha, MN (KROC-AM News) - Chronic Wasting Disease has been detected in a deer harvested this fall in southeastern Minnesota.
The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources says a sample from a deer shot near Wabasha has tested positive for CWD. A news release says the animal was harvested within the southeastern Minnesota CWD surveillance zone where hunters were required to have their deer tested during the opening weekend of the firearm deer hunting season.
The area where the infected deer was taken was added to the surveillance zone this year. The DNR says it was in response to detections of CWD in wild deer across the Mississippi River in Buffalo County Wisconsin last fall.
“This discovery in southeastern Minnesota, while unwelcome news, highlights the importance and necessity of our disease surveillance efforts,” said Erik Hildebrand, Minnesota DNR wildlife health supervisor. “We truly appreciate hunters’ help in combatting CWD by getting their deer tested for CWD when required and complying with carcass movement restrictions. Results of these efforts help limit disease spread and protect the health of Minnesota’s white-tailed deer.”
Statewide, the DNR has tested more than 130,000 deer over the past 21 years. 236 of those tests have come back positive for Chronic Wasting Disease and most of those cases have been in southeastern Minnesota.