FAIL: This Guy Just Tried To Steal A MN Car Right In Front Of Law Enforcement!
The rash of car thefts in Minnesota, mainly across the Twin Cities metro, has seemingly calmed down...a little bit. But that news must not have made it to this guy, as he attempted to steal a car, video game style, right in front of law enforcement, in which some were even chasing him on foot at the time!
The entire scene was caught on MnDOT cameras, and MN Safety even narrated the scene for viewers when it put the footage up on YouTube yesterday. You seriously have to watch it to believe it.
The entire situation began in Arden Hills on the interstate, where the driver of the small car was stopped, as in not moving at all, in the right lane of traffic. Law enforcement arrives on the scene and the driver wasn't having any of it, as the officer called for backup. It was then that law enforcement, with the help of a tow truck, shut down that portion of the interstate in an effort to get the driver of the stopped vehicle out of the car, and to take passing motorists out of the danger of perhaps hitting the parked car.
Once the traffic was diverted off the interstate, law enforcement made a move to get the driver out of his vehicle. It was then that the driver took off across the closed portion of interstate, jumped the concrete median, and was almost CRUSHED by a passing vehicle.
The driver of the vehicle, now on the run, decided he was going to go after the car that almost hit him after the driver saw all the police lights pulled over, unsure if he got a piece of the running man or not.
With law enforcement in pursuit, the driver then attempts to pull the other driver from the car in front of law enforcement, to try and get away from the pursuing officers.
Thankfully law enforcement caught up to the driver and stopped the attempted car jacking.
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