Kraus-Anderson photo
Kraus-Anderson photo


Rochester, MN (KROC AM News) - A ceremonial groundbreaking was held Wednesday morning at the Rochester airport to mark a significant improvement project at the facility.

Work is actually already underway for the $12-million project that will include centralized ticketing counters, consolidated baggage claim area and an expanded customs area.

One of the significant improvements to the 56-year-old building involves the main terminal building, where air carriers operate their ticket counters and baggage areas on the east and west sides of the lobby. The project will combine and relocate the ticket counter areas for all airlines to one side of the terminal and the baggage claim for all airlines to the other side.  

“The facility upgrades will provide an enhanced customer experience for those landing in Rochester and doing business in southeast Minnesota,” said John Reed, executive director of the Rochester International Airport.  “The U.S. Customs expansion also addresses safety and security standards required to bring the facility into compliance to maintain the airport’s ‘international’ designation.”   

Funding for the upgrades include: $7.3 million from federal funds; $3.8 million from the City of Rochester; and $790,000 from MnDOT Aeronautics.

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