High Speed Rail Decision Expected by July
ST. PAUL, Minn. (AP) — An executive with the firm that wants to build an elevated high-speed rail line between the Twin Cities and Rochester says it will decide by July if the project moves forward.
The Minnesota Department of Transportation has given Bloomington-based North American High Speed Rail Group the go-ahead to study building the line. Minnesota Public Radio News reports Wendy Meadley, the firm's chief strategy officer, said Wednesday they'll make an "unofficial go or no-go" by July 1.
Meadley said work is being done on a business plan and funding for the privately financed project. She said there will be two town hall meetings on the rail line.
Meadley said locations for stations haven't been determined. The cost is also undetermined, but she said the former estimate of $4.2 billion is being revised, likely downward.
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