Rochester, MN  (KROC AM News) - A public meeting dealing with the future of transportation in downtown Rochester is scheduled next week.

Consultants looking at the city’s future transportation needs and possible solutions will hold the open house Tuesday (Jan 24) at the UMR Center, from 4:00-8:00 p.m. The meeting will be held one day after the consultants give an update to the Rochester City Council.

Here is the report the Council will receive.

This session is the first of four opportunities for public input during the studies, which are part of the DMC initiative.The overall process will run through the end of the year.

“Broad community perspective on transportation ideas and alternatives is critical to successfully achieving the modal shift from cars to transit, walking, and bicycling that is necessary to realize the DMC Vision,” said Richard Freese, Director the City of Rochester Public Works Department.

This session is the first of four opportunities for public input during the studies.

“We need the community to weigh in the decisions that will last for generations. It is important we get it right,” said Beth Bartz, a Project Manager with SRF Consulting Group, Inc.

The 2017 schedule for Integrated Transit Studies open houses is as follows:

  • January 24, 2017: Provide your perspective on downtown transportation needs, potential concerns, and alternatives to be studied further
    • May 2017: Provide your feedback on the initial alternatives and which should be retained for final study
    • September 2017: Voice your opinion on which of these options should be selected
    • December 2017: Explore the preferred option, how/when the elements will be built, and provide feedback.
  • In addition, consultants are reaching out to neighborhood groups, city advisory committees, business organizations and community groups throughout the process.

What are the Integrated Transit Studies?

The DMC plan was not a blueprint but a concept for future development. The DMC plan was based on a high level
assessment of conceptual needs and feasibility. The Integrated Transit Studies are refining the concepts identified in the
plan. Specifically, the integrated transit studies will:
• Explore how the DMC concepts can be built within public right of way with minimal impact to adjacent private
• Determine the most cost-effective use of public dollars to realize the DMC’s transportation vision
• Allow additional opportunity for public agencies, property owners, businesses and residents to participate in the
development of alternatives to implement the DMC plan concepts
• Lay the groundwork to seek federal funding for some of these projects

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