ST PAUL, Minn. — A statewide safety campaign asking motorists to hang up their phones and pay attention in work zones begins Monday, June 9.  It will continue through the construction season.

The campaign is part of the Minnesota Toward Zero Deaths effort, a multi-agency partnership that uses education, enforcement, engineering and emergency trauma response to promote safe and smart driving behavior. The Minnesota TZD partners include the departments of Health, Transportation and Public Safety. Since its launch 10 years ago, the TZD effort has helped decrease roadway fatalities by nearly half, from 655 in 2003 to 387* in 2013.

“Drivers face many distractions under the best of conditions, and driving through construction work zones only increases these distractions,” said Kristine Hernandez, statewide TZD coordinator. “We hope this campaign helps raise awareness and makes people think twice before picking up their phone in a work zone.”



Motorists driving around Minnesota this summer will see the “Orange Cones. No Phones.” message on billboards as a reminder to hang up their phone and pay attention to help keep workers—and themselves—safe.


In southeastern Minnesota, motorists will see a billboard along Interstate 35 at Owatonna.

Learn more about TZD at: For more tips for staying safe in highway work zones, see

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