Parking Wrong on the Even/Odd Days? You Might Not Get A Ticket…Yet
When the snow comes for real, the plows HAVE to be able to clear the streets. Most of the time, the City of Rochester has been pretty lax about enforcing the snow-bird rule, and this year, they've made new rules that will put some teeth into the promise of towing.
Lots of people are upset about the new Rochester, MN even / odd parking rules. Why? Because in areas where it's a new rule, there's so little parking available, people aren't sure where they're going to park. It seems people understand the need for easier plowing, but, as Ellen H. told me this morning, "Why so soon? No way is snow going to be falling anytime soon. This is really inconvenient."
Well, relax, you won't get a ticket...yet.
It could be even / odd part stared in October to give people time to ramp up. In a Tweet today, the City of Rochester said...
Law enforcement teammates will be utilizing an educational postcard to provide to vehicles found to be in violation of the alternate side parking requirements. Vehicles will not be ticketed as Officers will provide educational materials. #rochmn
So, for now, you won't get towed. But that's ONLY for even / odd parking. It has nothing to do with cul de sac parking (which is prohibited now through the end of the snow season).
The Cul-de-Sac rules may change, click HERE for more.
Listen to James Rabe 6a to 9a on Y-105 FM
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