Recent Deer Deaths In SE Minnesota Blamed On Little Bugs

St Paul (KROC AM News) - It isn't Chronic Wasting Disease that is suspected in the deaths of numerous wild deer in southeast Minnesota last month.
It was a deadly combination of a tiny bug and a naturally occurring and deadly virus that was first confirmed in Minnesota two years ago.
The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources has confirmed two cases of what’s called epizootic hemorrhagic disease in wild white-tailed deer.
EHD is a viral disease of deer and some livestock that is spread by a biting insect called a midge. The DNR received reports of deer deaths throughout September in Houston and Winona counties, amounting to over 20 animals. Tests from two of the deer in Houston County were positive for EHD; other deer were too decomposed to test.
“All of our neighboring states have been dealing with EHD for years,” said Michelle Carstensen, DNR wildlife health program supervisor. “Fall 2019 was the first time we had detected this virus in wild deer in our state, with deaths reported in Stearns and Houston counties. So it was not surprising that it showed up again, particularly with low water conditions."
“EHD is both naturally occurring and seasonal,” Carstensen said. “We expect the potential for infection to end soon because freezing temperatures kill both the virus and midge that carries it.”
Drought conditions have likely increased risk for this virus, as midges are limited to fewer water sources to breed and this can promote virus propagation. Wisconsin, Nebraska, Iowa, Illinois, Michigan and Ohio report EHD mortalities in wild deer almost every year. In some cases, the disease can dramatically reduce a local deer population in the short-term but has a relatively small impact on the overall deer population.
Finding multiple dead deer near a water source is typical of an EHD die-off. Fever drives the animals to seek water, but they die from internal lesions and hemorrhages.
People who find a dead deer should report it to the nearest DNR area wildlife office.
EHD is not a threat to humans or animals outside the deer family. Even so, people should not consume deer that appear to be sick or deer that appear to be in poor health.
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