Rochester Holding Off on Cutting Ash Trees for Now
Rochester City Forester Jeff Haberman was on Rochester's Good Morning with Rich Peterson and Kim David Thursday.
Jeff said his department is going to hold off cutting down any ash trees now til the end of summer or early fall. The emerald ash borers are starting to emerge now and transporting trees would only hasten the spread. He did say the best time to treat your ash tree is coming up in June. There's a list of licensed arborists in the area on the city's webpage.
There's also confusion regarding planting trees on your boulevard. Here's the skinny on that..
Jeff also talked about a tree steward training that's coming on May 6th, for more information, go to
Couple more dates of note: Arbor day is 4/28 and the Community tree planting in Saturday, April 29th. For more information click here.