Was Bigfoot Really Spotted In Northern Minnesota Back In October?
Back in October, a new report from the BFRO, stated that bigfoot was spotted up near the shores of Lake Winnibigoshish. Seeing this seemingly blurry creature was a man and his mother, and they described the cryptid as being a "hulking, Dwayne 'the Rock' Johnson figure with a rounded head sitting low on the shoulders." So did this man and his mother see Bigfoot up near Bena?

The Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization states the sighting happened near Bena in Cass County along Six Mile Lake Road, not too far from the shores of Lake Winnibigoshish. The report states that the witness and his mother were driving slowly along Six Mile Lake Road when they spotted the creature.
"They might not have spotted the figure down the side road if they had not been driving slowly and looking around for grouse. Suzy, the mother, spotted it first and shouted "What the He[ck] was that?!" Jeff hit the brakes and backed up. Suzy had seen the giant back of what looked like a massive body. When they backed up, Jeff shouted “It's moving”! What they saw was the figure turn to a side profile, showing the head to the waist of what appeared to be a giant, black, creature walking into the timber on two feet."
The report went on to state what the two people had seen.
"They described it as hulking, Dwayne “the Rock” Johnson figure with a rounded head sitting low on the shoulders. It appeared to be looking down. Its head was almost "swallowed up by the huge shoulders" from their view angle. It had solid, dark hair with a uniform pattern over its body. The arms were long and slowly swung as it walked into the woods. Based on the depth of the ditch and height of the grass it walked through they estimated it at around 8’ tall. Although it walked upright she described it as more ape-like than human."
The report went on to state that the reporting witness Jeff, even mentioned what he and his mother had seen to a conservation officer/game warden to which the CO replied “That is where people report seeing those”.
So did Jeff and his mother encounter Bigfoot?
Where they reported to see one isn't too far from the 'Home of Bigfoot' in Remer...
You can read the full report and judge for yourself by heading here.
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