Another COVID-19 death in the Rochester Area

Rochester, MN (KROC-AM News) - One of the three coronavirus related deaths reported today by state health officials was in the Rochester area.
The Minnesota Department of Health says an Olmsted County resident in their early 80s was among the latest Minnesotans to die after contracting the new viral illness. There have now been 28 COVID-19 deaths in Olmsted County.
The State Health Department says 995 new COVID-19 cases were detected by the over 21,000 tests that were completed on Wednesday for a positivity rate of about 4.4-percent. In Olmsted County, where the testing positivity rate for Wednesday was 3.8-percent, 22 new infections were reported today.
Olmsted County Public Health is reporting the volume of testing at the Graham Park facility has increased significantly this week. 569 tests were completed Wednesday, the total from Tuesday was just over 600, and the testing count from Monday was the highest on record at 647.
Public Health Public Information Officer Kari Ethreim today issued a call for everyone to cooperate with state health officials investigating new cases of the illness. She says they have noticed reluctance to cooperate among some people who test positive for COVID-19. While it is understandable they might wish to avoid the disruptions associated with quarantining and might not wish to share who they have had close contact with, Ethreim says impeding the work of back tracers will only make matters worse and could result in a coworker, family member, friend, or other loved one contracting the virus and suffering a serious medical outcome.
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