News-Talk 1340 KROC AM & 96.9 FM is dedicated to keeping you up to date with the latest Coronavirus (COVID-19) news and information from across Southeast Minnesota. Scroll down for the latest local Coronavirus articles.

Lawsuits Filed Against MN Medical Practices Board & AG Ellison
Republican candidate for Governor Scott Jensen alleges politically-motivated investigations violated his constitutional rights.

Minnesota Woman Admits to Role in National Pandemic Fraud Schemes
She pleaded guilty to one count of mail fraud on Monday.

Olmsted Medical Center Adjusts Masking Requirement
The rollback comes on the heels of the Olmsted County Board voting Tuesday to end the COVID-19 public health emergency that went into effect more than three years ago.

The COVID-19 Emergency Officially Ended Today in Olmsted County
The public health emergency went into effect more than three years ago.

MN Finally Recoups Private Sector Jobs Lost to COVID Shutdown
The pandemic shutdown erased more than 385,000 private sector jobs in Minnesota.

(OPINION) Why is Public School Enrollment Declining Nationwide?
Listen to Tom each Tuesday and Thursday morning after the 11 AM news as he joins Andy Brownell for Rochester Today on News-Talk 1340 KROC-AM and 96.9 FM.

Minnesota Supreme Court Revives Lawsuit Over Walz's COVID Powers
The ruling says the question is an important issue of statewide significance that should be decided immediately.

Last Chance For Minnesota Residents To Get Free COVID-19 Tests From The State
The Minnesota Department of Health is providing one last round of free COVID-19 at-home test kits to state residents before the program ends.

Fewer than 20% of Minnesotans are current on COVID-19 shots
Epidemiologist Ruth Lynfield said during a briefing on the high numbers of cases and hospitalizations the state is experiencing for COVID-19, influenza and the respiratory virus RSV.

More Than 80% of Minnesotans Are Not Up-To-Date on COVID Shots
State health officials are urging state residents to get their shots before the holidays.

Pandemic Steepened Declines in Minnesota Math & Reading Scores
The average math score for the 8th grade this year fell 10 points when compared with 2019.

Nearly One Million Minnesotans Have Received COVID Bonus Payments
Applicants have until 5 PM Friday to fix errors on their direct deposit information.

Minnesota Set to Distribute Frontline Worker Bonuses
Distribution is expected to start on Wednesday.

Appeal Window for Minnesota Frontline Worker Bonus Closes
Nearly 1.2 million Minnesotans applied for a bonus check.