Chelsea Clinton Visits Rochester
Last night, she was sitting next to her father in the front row for the second presidential debate. This morning, Chelsea Clinton, the daughter of Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, made a stop in Rochester.
Speaking in front of a packed house at the new Bleu Duck Kitchen in downtown Rochester, Clinton came through to rally support for her mother and talk about which of her mother's policies most resonate with her personally.
As a mother of two now, Clinton admitted that the issues she finds more important have changed as she thinks about not only her own future, but the future of her two young children.
"This is even more personal to me because I know that my own children will be so deeply affected by whomever we elect in this election," Clinton said, who admitted her election bias toward her mother. "I just couldn’t imagine a better president for the values I want my children to grow up with and the values that I believe shows our country at its best. Every election is about the future and I do believe our values are at stake so it matters to me."
Talking of her mother's achievements, Chelsea Clinton focused on areas including early childhood education, foster care reform, healthcare for children and families, and equal opportunities for women, immigrants and people with disabilities.
After Clinton had spoken, she opened the rest of her time up for questions from the audience.
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