Rochester, MN (KROC AM News) - A Rochester man will spend the holiday weekend eating jail food instead of turkey and all the trimmings.

Police arrested 46-year-old Todd McIntyre for domestic assault Wednesday afternoon - and he is the one who ended up in the hospital.

RPD Lt. Gretchen O’Neil says officers were called to McIntyre’s residence and found him “standing in his garage in boxer shorts covered in blood.” O'Neill says that’s when officers became aware of the domestic assault.

The victim said she was “in fear of McIntyre, and retreated to a bathroom.” She said he broke through the bathroom door and began assaulting her. The victim said she could not get away from him so she “grabbed a hairdryer and hit McIntyre in the head” which resulted in significant bleeding.

O’Neil says the victim was injured but did not seek medical attention. However, McIntyre was transported to St. Marys Hospital. She says while in the ER, “McIntyre threw his blood-soaked bandages at police and other emergency staff. “ He was eventually released and taken to jail on domestic assault charges.

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