I have a lot of Facebook friends and more than one of them use their statuses to bitch and complain.  Most of the time it's about trivial stuff. Teresa Shaw of Osage, Iowa is not one of those people - even though she could be and no one would blame her.

Teresa is battling cancer and she's doing it with a courageous smile.   Her status updates are always filled with positivity. Her posts are always a bright spot of my week.

Teresa posted this picture on facebook last night. I immediately liked it and told her to have fun.

What happened next was simply amazing. Watch the video below.

I'm not sure when Teresa and I became Facebook friends but I'm really glad we did.

What's really cool is that we had a chance to catch up with her and talk about the experience with her on our show! Here's what she had to share:

What an incredible experience for her!

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