Possible Snowfall Record For Rochester
Rochester< Mn (KROC-AM News) - Today's snow event was likely a record-breaker in Rochester.
The National Weather Service has yet to report an official snowfall today at the Rochester Airport, but there was a report of nearly 8 inches of accumulation in High Forest Township just north of Stewartville. That suggests the total at the nearby Rochester Airport will likely exceed the current record for December 9th of 4.5 inches that was set in 2009.
Based on preliminary reports, the heaviest snow from the storm system fell on areas near the Minnesota-Iowa border from Sioux Falls South Dakota across Minnesota and into southwestern Wisconsin. So far, the highest no-fault hole reported to the National Weather Service was near Spencer, Iowa at 12 inches.
In southeastern Minnesota, 10.3 inches of accumulation was reported at Dexter, Spring Valley and Preston both reported 9.5 inches, while 9 inches of snow was reported at Harmony and Brownsdale.
It appears that by the time the snow ended in the late morning and early afternoon, most areas of Rochester had seen between 4 and 6 inches of accumulation.