Rochester City Council Approves 2nd Round of CARES Funding

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Rochester, MN (KROC AM News) - The Rochester City Council Monday approved another series of moves to make use of just over $5-million in federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) funding.
The funds will target three areas: support for individuals, support for public service, and economic recovery.
Some of the projects and initiatives include:
- Economic Recovery for Small Business - to support local small businesses struggling financially ($1,000,000)
- Rochester Conservation Corps Partnership - creating employment opportunities for under/unemployed community members to focus on tree planting, invasive specifies removal, and park clean up – ($750,000)
- Civic Center Repositioning - to provided needed support and upgrades to ensure a safe convention experience ($325,000)
- Non Profit Support - providing support to non-profits who serve individuals that are experiencing economic challenges ($400,000)
- Election Support - to support extraordinary election costs associated with social distancing at polling locations and ensuring the necessary pool of election judges ($250,000)
- COVID-19 Response for Diverse Populations - outreach targeting Black and Hispanic communities who have been impacted at a disproportionate rate ($100,000)
In total, $8.8M was appropriated to Rochester, with more than $3.7M spent in the first phase. Previous expenditures supported a grant program for local small businesses, food access, and assistance for individuals experiencing homelessness.
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