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Rochester, MN (KROC-AM News) - Rochester Mayor Kim Norton is headed to Washington DC next week for the State of the Union Address.

Mayor Norton says she recently received a call from First District Congressman Brad Finstad with an invitation to attend the Presidential Address in person as the guest of the New Ulm area Republican. The Mayor says gladly accepted the invite for what she described as a “lifetime experience.”

Finstad for Congress Campaign photo
Finstad for Congress Campaign photo

When asked why she was chosen to receive the invitation, Norton stated it was likely due to Rochester being the state’s third-largest city and the largest city in the First Congressional District. She also noted that she and Finstad and Finstad’s Chief of Staff served together in the Minnesota Legislature.

President Biden Delivers His First State Of The Union Address To Joint Session Of Congress
(Photo by Shawn Thew - Pool/Getty Images)

It will be a very quick trip for the Mayor. President Biden is scheduled to deliver his State of the Union Address next Tuesday evening. Norton says she will catch a flight to the nation’s capitol Tuesday morning, attend the speech that night, and then return to Rochester early Wednesday.

Mayor Norton says she is paying for the trip with her own funds. She says she wants to avoid any possible claims of a conflict and/or complaints about having the taxpayers foot the bill.

TRIBUTE: 29 U.S. Service Members From Minnesota Killed During the War in Afghanistan

After 20 years of war, 29 men and women from Minnesota made the ultimate sacrifice in Afghanistan while serving our country during Operation Enduring Freedom.

Scroll through the photos below and pay tribute to our fellow Minnesotans who served with valor.

The information below comes from the Iraq Coalition Casualty Count

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