Legislature Hears Pitch for Veterans Home in Fillmore County
St Paul (KROC AM News) - A proposal calling for the construction of a veterans home in Fillmore County is beginning to make its way through the Minnesota legislature.
The bill is being sponsored by State Representative Greg Davids of Preston. A hearing on the proposal was held at the legislature Wednesday.
“It was an informal process so the committee could see where things were at,” Davids said. “Obviously I’m very excited about the opportunity to secure funding for this needed veterans home in southeastern Minnesota.”
Davids was joined by Fillmore County Commissioners as well as local veterans at the hearing.
The proposal calls for a facility that would be eligible for veterans and their spouses. The proposal would appropriate $10 million in state bonding proceeds to be used with matching funds from local, federal and private sources.
Among the sites under consideration for the new home are Spring Valley and Preston.
Davids was instrumental in securing funding for the Veterans Cemetery that opened in Preston in 2015.
Davids hopes a decision on the veterans home will be made this year.
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