Mayo Suggests Lower COVID Deaths Linked to Convalescent Plasma
Rochester, MN (KROC-AM News) - The Mayo Clinic and its collaborators on a study involving the use of convalescent plasma to treat COVID-19 patients have identified signals that could indicate the therapy reduces the number of deaths caused by the new viral infection.
The report says researchers found an association between lower mortality rates and patients who received infusions of convalescent plasma containing higher levels of antibodies within three days of being diagnosed. The study looked at over 35,000 patients that included a high proportion of critically ill individuals. Over 50-percent were being treated in intensive care units and over 27-percent were receiving mechanical ventilation when they received the therapy.
The data was extracted from the Mayo Clinic led national Expanded Access Program for convalescent plasma that was launched shortly after the COVID-19 pandemic shut down the nation's economy. The findings are meant to inform future clinical trials by identifying two main signals of the therapy's efficacy.