Olmsted County May Adopt Park Shelter Reservation Policy
Rochester, MN (KROC AM News) - The Olmsted County Board is scheduled to vote Tuesday on a recommendation to adopt a reservation policy for its two parks.
Staff is recommending the county implement an online reservation program for shelters at Oxbow and Chester Woods parks in time for the upcoming season.
A fee would be required.
In its recommendation to the board staff says “reservations will help insure that park patrons can reserve a park shelter at Chester Woods and Oxbow Parks in advance of a planned event without having to physically be present at the site in order to secure it and avoid disputes between competing groups wanting to use a park shelter.”
Revenues from the reservations will “also help increase revenue for the Parks to insure the park shelters and the improved areas of the Parks are maintained so they remain clean and safe and available for use by the patrons of the Parks.”
News Update: Two new snow records for Rochester.