Over 108,000 Fentanyl Pills Seized in Minnesota Arrest
Bloomington, MN (KROC-AM News)- Police in Bloomington are reporting what could be a record fentanyl bust in Minnesota and the upper Midwest.

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During a Thursday news conference Bloomington Police Chief Booker Hodges told reporters officers arrested 36-year-old Marcus Trice after responding to a financial card transaction fraud call at a Bloomington business. Hodges says the man from out of state had 108,943 M-30 pills laced with fentanyl.
Hodges said that amount of fentanyl could kill over one million people. He said the case has been turned over to federal authorities and the US Attorney’s Office in Minnesota.
Trice has been federally indicted on drug possession charges. The arrest was made on August 31.
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