Pharmacy Employee’s Plea to Parents of Middle School Kids
I was at Target buying deodorant and overheard a mom and dad tease their middle school looking son when he asked if he could have some deodorant. Pretty quickly he laughed and said he was just joking. And maybe he was, but it reminded me of a guest blog from Septemeber 20th, 2016 (interesting timing, yeah?).
My friend Maria, back in Idaho, posted an impassioned plea to parents about kids and deodorant that is a must-read. She spends most of her days in that aisle of a Ridley's store, a grocery store with a pharmacy, and what she sees breaks her heart.
Today's guest blogger is Maria Feroce...
This is my plea for the day. PLEASE PARENTS! If you have preteen/teens, or your children will one day be a preteen, I understand that you are busy, but if your child asks you an opinion of the razors, deodorant, or body spray, PLEASE take the time to answer.
I know you really don't care what your sons armpits smell like (as long as they no longer smell like BO) and I know that what your daughter uses to shave her legs makes no difference to you (as long as they don't cost a small fortune) BUT, they are asking for guidance.
They are letting you in. They are still at an impressionable age when they are counting on you to have their backs, teach them what they don't yet know, and if that means taking 10 mins out of your day to sniff 35 different Axe body sprays (all of which smell the same) PLEASE do it! It might be the last time they even care what your opinion is.
Another Facebook friend asked her what brought this on...
I spend most of my day down the aisle that has these items in it, and at least every other day, I witness these interactions. To see the look on the kids faces after their mom has dismissed them is heartbreaking and I just reached my limit yesterday.
I'm not a parent, but this sounds like really solid advice.
Listen to James Rabe 6a to 9a on Y-105 FM