Rochester Public Transit Announces Additional Service Reductions
Rochester, MN (KROC-AM News) - Rochester Public Transit today announced another reduction in service in response to the governor's Stay at Home order due to the COVID-19 outbreak.
Beginning Monday, and until further notice, the city's public transit system's regular service hours will be from 7 AM until 7:30 PM. All neighborhood routes will follow the published weekend and holiday schedules 7 days a week. Route 191 has been suspended.
Modified schedules are also being put in place for Rochester Public Transit's park-and-ride service. The Chateau Theater, RCTC, County Fairgrounds, and IBM Park and Ride lots will remain operational. The morning peak service on direct routes will run from 5:30 until 8:30 a.m. and from 3 to 6 PM. There will also be a small number of mid-day and evening direct trips to and from the park and ride lots that will be operated according to a published schedule.
The ZIPS paratransit service will operate until 8 PM daily. Officials note that additional reductions of service may be ordered depending on future developments. Information about the service reductions and the routes offered by Rochester Public Transit will be posted at as soon as it becomes available.
RPT urges anyone who is sick or has had close contact with an ill person, to stay home. Anyone riding an RPT bus is asked to observe social distancing by keeping one seat between you and others at all times and skipping every other row whenever possible. Standees are asked to observe a 6-foot distance between themselves and other passengers.