Improve Your Financial Situation With a Debt Consolidation Loan
Debt consolidation can be a Good Money Move for some people. Jenna Taubel and Troy Brenhaug from First Alliance Credit Union explain how a debt consolidation loan works and how it can help a person simplify and improve their financial situation. It doesn't reduce or erase debt, but it can be beneficial to a person saddled with numerous loan payments by potentially providing them with a lower interest rate and a lower overall payment.
Listen to the Good Money Moves podcast episode 7 from August 31, 2019:
Listen to new Good Money Moves Podcast episodes Saturdays at 10:00 a.m. on News-Talk 1340 KROC AM & 96.9 FM
Hear the best tips and advice for making Good Money Moves to help you gain confidence in managing your money. Every Saturday morning, Andy Brownell, from KROC AM, and Jenna Taubel, from First Alliance Credit Union, chat about a wide range of financial topics with various financial experts from First Alliance Credit Union’s knowledgeable team of advisors.