Rochester ACT Scores Fall – as Expected
Rochester, MN (KROC AM News) - Minnesota scores on the 2015 ACT college entrance exam slipped after the state required juniors to take the test as part of statewide testing.
Students in the Class of 2016 who took the test had an average score of 21.1, down from 22.7 the previous year. The drop was expected after juniors took the ACT as part of the statewide testing program last year.
In the Rochester district, nearly 1,200 juniors took the test. That’s about 400 more than the previous year. The overall composite score for Rochester students was 21.8.
The Rochester results show lower scores in all four categories, although they were higher than the statewide averages.
Here are the results (from the district):
In the area of English, Rochester Public School students showed a decrease from 24.1 in 2015 to 20.9 in 2016. This score is .9 higher than the statewide average. The ACT college readiness benchmark for English Composition is 18. A benchmark score is the minimum score needed on an ACT subject-area test to indicate a 50% chance of obtaining a B or higher or about a 75% chance of obtaining a C or higher in corresponding credit-bearing college courses.
In the area of math, RPS dropped from 24.4 in 2015 to 22.0 in 2016. RPS is performing above the state average of 21.2 with respect to mathematics. The ACT benchmark for mathematics is 22.
In the area of reading RPS saw a decrease from 24.9 in 2015 to 22.0 in 2016. RPS is performing .7 above statewide average. The ACT benchmark for reading is 22.
In the area of science RPS saw a decrease from 24.1 in 2015 to 21.7 to 2016. RPS is above the state average by .4 points. The ACT benchmark for science is 23.
The overall composite score for RPS is 21.8, slightly higher than the state average of 21.1.
The ACT data is a measurement of college and career readiness. It measures whether students are meeting college and career benchmarks.
“The data gives us a good look at how we are preparing students for college and career readiness,” said Superintendent Munoz. “We also use the ACT data trends beginning at grade three, as we are committed to college and career preparedness for all of our students.”