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Rochester, MN (KROC-AM News) - A Rochester man has admitted to a felony charge of soliciting a child to engage in sexual conduct for an incident that occurred at Silver Lake Park last September.

32-year-old Danio Dorres today entered what's known as a Norgaard plea, which signifies that he has no memory of the incident but acknowledges there is enough evidence to convict him of the charge. It's a plea most often used in cases involving impairment from alcohol or drug use.

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Dorres was accused of making lewd comments to a young girl at Silver Lake Park on the afternoon of September 22nd. Rochester police say the 11-year-old girl was walking through the park near the 7th Street Bridge around 4 PM when a man sitting on a bench called her over.


It was alleged that, after he grabbed her hand and she sat down, Dorres made a crude sexual comment and began rubbing one of the child's legs. A couple riding bikes through the park witnessed the incident and confronted Dorres, who fled on foot after the couple called 911. While chasing after him, the couple told police Dorres flashed a knife. He was later located by police and taken into custody.

Dorres also entered Norgaard pleas to gross misdemeanor counts of fifth-degree criminal sexual conduct stemming from separate incidents that occurred in July and March of last year. The July incident involved allegations that he performed a lewd act in front of some children, while the March incident involved an allegation that he groped the inner thigh of a nurse who was treating him in the Emergency Department at St. Marys Hospital.

He is scheduled to be sentenced on June 30.

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