"Fresh, juicy, and a little creamy" is how Katie from Stewartville described the new beer on at Grand Rounds. It's made with over 150 pounds of raspberries! Also on the show, Angela Gupta* from the UMN Extension Forestry Team and her part in the GR Parklet. And finally, GRAND ROUNDS IS HAUNTED! Or so Tessa claims. And after hearing what she says, you're going to agree!

This episode pairs perfectly with Raspberry E. Nigma - 6.8% ABV 55 IBU

Listen to the Grand Rounds Brewing Podcast From July 13, 2019:



*Angela Gupta is an "Extension educator with a focus on forest invasive species and private forest land management. Angela is a leader in the MN Women's Woodland Network and the Forest Pest First Detector program, and she's a member of the Woodland Advisor team. Angela is based at the Rochester Regional Office. Email at agupta@umn.edu.

Each Saturday, Tessa Leung, founder, and CEO of Grand Rounds Brewing Co. in Downtown Rochester chats with James Rabe about what’s happening downtown and all things Grand Rounds — everything from the beer they brew to the meals they serve. Listen to new podcasts on News-Talk 1340 AM & 96.9 FM Saturdays at 8:00 a.m.

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