The Legal Eagle joined Andy Brownell on KROC-AM for Rochester Today Monday morning.

What to do if you are stopped by a law enforcement officer was the topic of discussion as David Shulman made his monthly visit to the KROC-AM studio.

A caller questioned whether an officer had the authority to order a motorist to lower the window in his or her vehicle during a traffic stop, which led to a wider discussion of how to best respond if you're stopped.

David emphasized the importance of making sure your actions do not cause the officer to fear for his or her safety. He recommended keeping both of your hands on the steering wheel in the view of the officer and advising the officer before reaching for anything inside the vehicle, whether that be your drivers license or other paperwork.

Another caller wondered if his attorney was overcharging him for closing out a deceased person's estate. David pointed out detailed information about the probate process and the responsibilities of the personal representative is available for free at the Olmsted County Courthouse. While not addressing the caller's specific case, Shulman indicated the process can be relatively simple with a minimal legal expenses for many smaller estates.

Listen to the entire show by clicking the play button...



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