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Rochester, MN (KROC AM News) -  There have been numerous additions to the Rochester area 100 MPH Club since the last list was posted.

Here we go:

A Rochester teenager was caught driving 110 mph on Highway 14 on the west side of the city in August. Court records show 18-year-old Blake Keller recently pleaded guilty and was fined $390.


Olmsted County Court
Olmsted County Court
Olmsted County Court
Olmsted County Court

A teenager from Coon Rapids was ticketed for driving 100 mph on Highway 52 north of Rochester last October. 18-year-old Jadas Zarnstorff told the officer “He was late for work and doesn’t normally speed.” He was also caught speeding 2 weeks earlier and in July.

November citations:

Pragnesh Patel, 29, of W. Bloomfield, MI - ticketed for driving 117 mph on I-90 in rural Olmsted County

William Land, 28, Eagan - ticketed for driving 100 mph on I-90 in rural Olmsted County; told the officer “He had no idea he was speeding.”

Allan Hill, 44, Rochester - caught driving 101 mph on I-90 in rural Olmsted County with a revoked DL; had radar detector in his car

Whitney Hudson, 30, Racine, WI - caught driving 103 mph on I-90 in rural Olmsted County; ticketed for 99 mph; said she was “tired and trying to get to a hotel”

Abdul Al Ebbid, 22, Rochester - ticketed for driving 100 mph on Highway 52 near Apache Mall.  According to the trooper who pulled him over, he had a "poor excuse."

Olmsted County Court
Olmsted County Court

December citations

Coleman Rahman, 18, Elgin - clocked at 103 mph on I-90 in Olmsted County on Dec 27th

Waseem Alfarsi, 23, Waukegan, Il - clocked at 111 mph on I-90 in Olmsted County

Olmsted County Court
Olmsted County Court

Anel Salcin, 36, Rochester - clocked at 105 mph on Highway 52 in Rochester

Olmsted County Court
Olmsted County Court

Patrick Odom, 37, Rochester - caught driving 117 mph on Highway 52 near Oronoco

Olmsted County Court
Olmsted County Court

Devonta Perry, 28, Winona - caught driving 101 mph on I-90 in Marion Township

Olmsted County Court
Olmsted County Court

Nosheen Muhammad, 43, Carol Stream, IL - caught driving 100 mph on I-90 near Stewartville

Olmsted County Court
Olmsted County Court

19-year-old David Ajayi of St Paul is the most recent addition to the 100 mph Club. He was caught driving 104 mph on Highway 52 in rural Olmsted County Valentine’s Day afternoon.


And the leader of the 100 mph pack in the latest listing:

Thomas Cockrell, 18, Buckeye, AZ. He was actually caught driving 137 mph on 37th St NW in Rochester around 11:30 pm Dec 16th. The 137 mph ticket is the highest reported speed noted since the beginning of the 100 MPH Club. The speed limit in that area is 45 mph. He ended up paying the court $390.


Olmsted County Court
Olmsted County Court
Thomas Cockrell fine

There have been numerous tickets issued in Olmsted County during the last few months to motorists caught driving in the 80s and 90s.

And there were some other recent notable cases:

Minnesota State Patrol
Minnesota State Patrol

18-year-old Cayden Holcomb of Rochester was clocked driving 58 mph on 2nd St SW in front of St Marys Hospital. He was fined $290.

Another Rochester man flaunted the law twice in a 2-hour window. A cop stopped 29-year-old Kaprice Lance for driving 57 mph (40 mph zone) on 12th St SW near Apache Mall. He was ticketed for speeding and driving with a revoked license. Two hours later he was caught driving again, just a few blocks from the first stop and given another ticket.

And here’s a traffic citation never seen before - a violation involving what state law calls an "implement of husbandy."

In this particular case, it was a manure spreader.

An officer pulled over a pickup truck that was pulling a manure spreader on Highway 52 in Rochester on Dec 3rd. The trooper must have been aware of the law that says “No person may operate or tow an implement of husbandry at a speed of more than 30 miles per hour.” The driver - 66-year-old Steven Weigel of Platteville, WI - was doing 62 mph when he was pulled over. The trooper also checked the tires on the manure spreader and found they were rated at 30 mph. Weigel ended up paying a $190 fine.


 And last but not least, here is a report on a recent notable traffic stop in the metro:

LOOK: What major laws were passed the year you were born?

Data for this list was acquired from trusted online sources and news outlets. Read on to discover what major law was passed the year you were born and learn its name, the vote count (where relevant), and its impact and significance.

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